Hello, Everybody!
So, I (the Developer) plan to do a monthly status report on how things are going.
The Manuscript is 11 Chapters in total plus the "Disruptors Sheets".
As noted elsewhere, those who have played Blades in the Dark will find the game
easy to navigate, as Disruptors is similar to BitD in general structure. Hence, there
is the Disruptors Sheets Supplement that will come with the book and be freely available
for Download.
Of the MS, there are 5 Chapters that are considered 'Finished'. They are, interestingly, the longest chapters, though none of them actually exceed 50 pages in length. They are:
Chapter 1 - Basics of the Game
Chapter 2 - Characters & Abilities
Chapter 4 - Mission Profiles: What a Team Does
Chapter 10 - The Jet City World
Chapter 11 - The Appendix
There are two planned "Chapters" that might become Stretch Goals, that are not currently being worked on but will eventually be developed. As Developer, my priority remains the book itself - I am well aware of the pitfalls of stretch goals. They are:
SG - 1 - Guide to Mission City [The JCU version of San Diego, CA]
SG - 2 - Mars, the Red Planet
I'd like to finish off with a request for Feedback - whether you'd like to tell me via this form or on Discord (easier, I'll admit) - there will be a text channel to give me your opinions. So the current question is (there might be more!):
Would you like to see bits of finished chapters as previews available on the Download page, like for the Disruptors Sheets